Our #BrooklynCenter Clinic welcomed staff back to our clinic reopening yesterday! Join us for in person, telehealth and community-based #mentalhealth READ MORE
Category: Children
At Lee Carlson Center it’s easy to access School-Linked Mental Health
It’s easy for students and families to access School-Linked Mental Health Services through Lee Carlson Center. In person and telehealth READ MORE
New Supportive Group Offering for Caregivers Caring for Kin and Chosen Kin Now Available
Lee Carlson Center introduces Kinship Connections, a new supportive group offering for caregivers caring for kin and chosen kin now READ MORE
Lee Carlson Center is offering no cost parenting groups for parents of school age children!
Lee Carlson Center is offering no cost parenting groups for parents of school age children! Lee Carlson Center is offering READ MORE
Our Early Childhood Team is here to help
Our Early Childhood Team is here to help. We know that parenting infants and toddlers can be challenging. Let our READ MORE
Summer is right around the corner. Mental Health Support is still a phone call away.
Summer is right around the corner. For most families the need for mental health support doesn’t always change with the READ MORE